Hello Members and Friends,
Last Monday night Members and Partners gathered at the Torquay Hotel to show our true colours prior to the AFL Grand Final this weekend. It was a pleasant evening of socializing amongst friends. We also celebrated Kelly’s Birthday – Happy Birthday Kelly!
May the best team win!
This coming Monday Night, we welcome PP Gary Newton (RC Geelong East) who is our District Polio Chair who will update us on current progress with Polio eradication.
On Tuesday evening I sat in on a Zoom Meeting to discuss the Questionnaire which we need to complete by 29th October.
Why change?
The primary driver is one which every member will be very aware of is falling membership and our inability to attract and RETAIN members.
In preparation for our discussions and decision making please take the time to have a look at this PowerPoint presentation.
A working copy of the questionnaire we are required to complete can be found by this link.
Say No to Domestic and Family Violence
The D 9780 inaugural Say NO to Domestic and Family Violence Community of Practice meeting was held last week.
Convenor, PP Carolyn Millard (RC Portland) reported that it was great to hear what other clubs were doing and share resources to make it easier to get going.
There is a spectrum of activity within the clubs - some have been worked in this area for some time, and some have only just started but very keen to make a difference.
Here is the link to the recording which you can listen in your own time.
Last Sunday was the Zone meeting and plans are well underway in many districts and clubs for activity during the 16 days of Activism against gendered violence - November 25th to December 10th. Stay tuned for discussions about our own club’s planned activities.