Upcoming Events
Community Development via Torquay Community House
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Oct 09, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Rotary Torquay Business Excellence Awards Night
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Oct 16, 2023
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Club Assembly
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Oct 23, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
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Bulletin Editor
Lesley Shedden
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President's Message

Philip Beasley
member photo
Hello members and friends
Welcome to this week’s Bulletin and congratulations to those supporters of the Collingwood Football Club on their nail-biting win last Saturday. Personally, I enjoyed the whole finals series this year with all matches being closely fought right through to the final siren.


On Monday night we Inducted our new member Ian Cairns and welcomed his partner Rtn Mary Bouman (RC Warrnambool Sunrise) to the club.
Ian joins us after a long service with the RC Warrnambool and is a very experienced Rotarian, having led several community initiatives in the Warrnambool area.
Welcome Ian and Mary to the friendship of RC Torquay and our community.
Thank you to our Membership Chair Ben Featherston for arranging Ian’s Induction and to Richard Hawker as proposer and now mentor for Ian.
Members, please ensure that you introduce yourself to Ian and continue his warm welcome to our Club.

End Polio

Last Monday night we also had the great pleasure of hosting PP Gary Newton (RC East Geelong) who is the District 9780 Polio Chair.
In Gary’s own words:
“It's personal because next February it will be 70 years since I contracted paralytic polio as a one-year-old. Clearly, it hasn't defined me but 70 years of living with disability gives one a very clear understanding as to why Rotary is pushing so very hard (and is now so close) to eradicating polio.
But we can and must do better and here's why...only one in 12 (or 8%) of Rotarians give to the PolioPlus Fund which needs to raise $50M each year to get the Gates Foundation 2 for 1 contribution.
Now, here's a great way to improve those numbers AND get something back in return for yourself and your friends.
This event, at Reading Cinemas on Thur Oct 12th showcases our Rotary clubs here in Geelong and in particular October as World Polio Month. Keeping in mind, polio eradication is Rotary's No.1 focus, we have an exclusive private screening of ‘Fly From Everest’ that you do not want to miss.
It’s going to be a huge night with both the subject of the movie, Berry Rotarian & former NSW Police Rescue Squad officer Ken Hutt and the cinematographer Joe Carter from Qld attending as well. There will also be some terrific raffle prizes to be won.”
 12 RC Torquay members have indicated they will be attending so why not join them.
Bookings essential:
Gary promoted the establishment of a new initiative to support the fight against Polio in becoming a member of the “Polio Plus Society”. For the pledge of $100 per year (27cents a day) you can personally join the fight against Polio. Please see further information in this Bulletin.

Presidents of Groups E & F Meeting

Last Tuesday night the local Club Presidents travelled to Colac for the Group E & F (which includes the 2 Colac Clubs) Presidents Meeting.
The Agenda outcomes where:
  1. Our Club Health Check will be reviewed at our November Board by AG Gillian Morgan.
  2. Say No to Domestic and Family Violence Committee is meeting and organising activities with other regional support agencies. Rotary is highly regarded as a key partner due or club network and community access.
A walk will be held on Saturday 25th November in Johnston Park Geelong which kicks off 16 Days of Activism. An Art Exhibition will be held at Deakin University following a workshop with exhibits by 20 local Lived Experience Artists on 29th November. Please keep these dates in your diary to attend.
A grant has been received for a 3 Hour Introductory training of club champions and others interested.
  1. RYLA Camp at Kangaroobie will be held 7th- 12th April 2024 with the cost of $600 per participant. The Colac Clubs spoke of their continued success with local companies seeing RYLA as a great way to train employees. RC Torquay should promote through our Business Awards and Commerce contacts.

Club Assembly on 23rd October - Online

DGE Lesley has agreed to present and lead the conversation regarding Regionalisation and the completion of the survey of clubs I referred to in last week’s Bulletin.
The main decisions to be made are what type of Community Group(s) we wish to be part of under the new structure.
To get the most out of this meeting please refer my previous article and follow the links to key information. This will allow for a more informative conversation and ultimately a decision.
Holidays for me
I will be an apology for meetings on 9th and 16th October and will join you online on 23rd October. Judy and I will be touring the bushfire and now flood affected areas of Gippsland and the SE Coast of NSW.
Create Hope in the World
Philip Beasley
President 2023-24

World Polio Month 'Fly From Everest' Movie Event This Week

Please join us! - Tickets $30, BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL - 
You know we have more fun when we're in a group so why not get your members, family and friends together for a great night out and raise funds to end polio. Each club can run their own fundraising effort with this movie event, so I encourage you to get behind this fabulous opportunity to make it a success in the lead up to World Polio Day in October. 

Torquay Rotary Business Excellence Awards 2023

Join Torquay Rotary Club, partner Commerce Torquay, our wonderful sponsors and the crème de la crème of our local business community to recognise and celebrate workplace excellence at the 2023 Business Excellence Awards Presentation Night.
Book now on TryBooking -
We have five category winners and Overall Business of the Year to present.
The event will be held on Monday October 16 at 6:00 pm at Kithbrooke Park Country Club 350 Grossmans Rd Torquay.

Community Service


We managed to have a very productive day on Wednesday giving the BBQ trailer a much needed “tidy-up”. Thanks to Margaret McPherson, Richard Hawker and Trevor Hall for their efforts. We now have a trailer that is clean, organised and ready for what looks like being a very busy BBQ season.
Also thanks to those who have already committed to some of the upcoming events. You will notice from the list below that we are still in need of more volunteers. If you’re wanting to nominate for any of the listed dates we will also have sign-up sheets available at the face to face Club Meetings.

Pop Up Book Sale - 11 November - Volunteers needed

We are planning another Pop-Up Book Sale on 11th Nov at ARP.
We need to determine whether there are enough people to be able to run this event
We need 6-8 people on the Friday to set up the inside and to sort through the boxes that have not been sorted
We need 6-8 at 7am Saturday to set up the outside area and be organised for the first customers (who arrive about 8). We also need help Saturday Afternoon to help pack up 
So far we have: - 

Melbourne Cup Eve Function

The footy is over and the Racing Season is upon us. Save the date - Monday 6th November - for our annual Cup Eve social evening.
Dress up or dress down and join in the fun activities for the evening. Venue will be the Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre. More details will be in next week's Bulletin.

Where's Michael "McTavish" Reed?

Well .... let’s go back to my last post when we arrived at Inverness .... that night we had a piper, who piped our group into the dining room! That created some interest from other patrons in there!!
Monday, we had a walk around Inverness in the morning ... then went to the Malt Rooms. Yep, a Whiskey tasting!!! Another great experience!

Your invitation to join the PolioPlus Society of District 9780

Greetings from the Rotary District 9780 PolioPlus Chair!

With World Polio Day coming up next month, I am writing to extend a special invitation to you and your fellow members to join the PolioPlus Society, a dedicated community of passionate individuals committed to eradicating polio from our world. Together, we can make a lasting impact in the fight against this devastating disease.

Rotary International Key Links

Rotary District 9780 Website

Rotary International Website

Donate to Rotary International 

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