Our club for many years has had a Welfare Officer.
Over recent years, Maggie Isom has looked after this role.  Maggie has stayed connected with members and their families in times of need, has helped out when needed, and kept the club well informed.
This year, Jan Emmett has stepped into this role.
The position of this role can be very extensive…
The main purpose is to stay connected with any member of the club in times of need, and to be aware of the welfare of that member, so that contact can be maintained, and information reported back to the President and the club members as required.
It is the responsibility of the welfare officer to report information that is public knowledge, or the member wishes to be conveyed, about a members’ well-being to the President.
Situations such as - illness, a death or injury in the family, being re-trenched from work or just need assistance in some way.
Although every effort is made to make sure that we all know if a member is unwell, in hospital or had an accident etc., it helps if it is reported asap so that we can maintain a close-knit bond between the member and the club members.
Please, if you know of, or are yourself in a position where you may need any assistance, please let President Michael or Jan Emmett know so they can connect with you.
Thank You…
Whilst on this subject our thoughts have been with Vernon and Charmain D'Souza who have been having a busy time with firstly with Vernon's recent visit to Epworth for some tests, which we all hope went well, followed up with his and Charmaine’s 50th Wedding Anniversary as well as his Birthday… so here are some wishes to the D'Souza's from all of us!heart