Interplast has provided their latest report (below). Please pay attention to the last slide which gives some indication of the enormity of what Interplast will achieve in the near future.
They will achieve these amazing ambitions not only for patients who need care, but for medical and nursing practitioners and for health services who deliver that care.
Interplast seems to be forgotten in our area, but it is by far the most significant supplier of support for development of health services in the Pacific.
Interplast was developed by Rotary in the early 1980’s, is recognised by the Australian Government as a significant developer of health services (ANCP funding) and receives a significant degree of support from Rotary Australia and NZ.
An aim of any development program is to develop an aid project and then to get governments/private entities to take them over (viz the Twinning Program between Vaiola Hospital in Nuku’alofa and St John of God Hospital, Ballarat).
Interplast is a standout achiever! It deserves our support.
John Oswald