When we attended a training session at the "Shed" it was suggested that we share the information, about hand hygiene, in the Bulletin for those who could not attend.
With four potential upcoming BBQs this is a good time to refresh our knowledge.
Here are two posters from World Health Organisation in relation to Hand Wash and Hand Rub.
When should you wash your hands?
  • Before and after handling raw food
  • Before handling or eating food
  • After going to the toilet
  • When your hands are visibly dirty
  • After blowing your nose 
  • After sneezing or coughing into your hand
When can I use Hand Rub?
  • When there is no hand washing facilities available
  • After blowing your nose
  • After sneezing or coughing into your hands
  • After removing your gloves
When should I NOT use Hand rub?
  • When hands are visibly dirty
  • Before handling raw food
  • Before handling food
Handrub is a chemical and we do not need to contaminate the food.
When do I wear gloves?
  • When handling any food
When do I change my gloves?
  • When they become contaminated by you touching something other than food
  • When they are visibly dirty
Rotarians must not help at a BBQ if they have had Gastro-enteritis, or other gastro/intestinal upsets, for 48 hours after the last bout of diarrhoea or vomiting. 
If you have Flulike symptoms, please do not attend the BBQ. Please organise a replacement and stay at home until symptoms have gone.
If there are any further queries, please contact Linda or Marg. 