In this week especially we remember and celebrate the life of our past Rotarian Mary Elliott . Mary worked tirelessly on asking people to register to donate their organs and tissue to give this gift of life to others
Right now, there are around 1,750 Australians waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. But there are around 13 million people aged 16+ who are eligible to register as organ and tissue donors who haven’t yet signed up.
Have a look at this video and see how donating organs saves lives
Transplant recipients, and their carers, are required to spend three months in a mandatory rehabilitation/recovery program at The Alfred in the immediate aftermath of surgery following the transplant.
At the Torquay Rotary Club we have established the Mary Elliott Legacy where we give donated funds to the Heart Lung Transplant Trust to use to support transplant recipients and their families in” second chance accommodation program” near the Alfred Hospital.
Please talk to your friends and families about registering for Organ donor