Amy Hunter, our guest speaker at the RCOT dinner meeting last Monday, gave us the insight into a wonderful opportunity to support a soon to arrive Syrian family looking to resettle in Torquay. The 23 year old couple have two preschool age children, a boy and a girl.
Eight experienced folk make up the Welcome to Barwon Group which have trained and worked hard to raise funds and develop a support network to make the transition for the young family from a long term stay in a refugee camp in Turkey to a new life here in Torquay as comfortable and successful as possible. Amy and Steve Richards, another member of the Welcome to Barwon Group, spoke about their motivation for investing so much of their time to the community refugee program.
An absolute priority for the group is to source comfortable and affordable short term accommodation for the family in Torquay or the surrounding area.
Amy shared information about how Rotary can partner with Welcome to Barwon to support this beautiful family to start a new life here on the Surf Coast. Members were keen to ask questions and find out more about the program and how we can help. The empathy for the family was palpable. Let’s all work together to convert our willingness to help into effective action.