
2003/2004 - President Geoff Dawson - District Governor Bob Furner

Rotary Theme - "Lend a Hand"

Late changes to the club administration made it a tough year but as always everybody stepped up and a very successful year was achieved.   Our annual Easter raffle together with BellsBeach parking, BBQs, and our combined dinner auction with Lions made it possible to again inject funds into community and international activities.   $10,000 was provided to the Scout Hall renovation, $2,500 to the Torquay Life Saving Club, $2,834 toward a matching grant for the ambulance project in India. We initiated the "Flipper Card" project assisting in the problem of youth suicide.  We hosted Amanda McAllister from Canada as an exchange student.  Socially we enjoyed visiting the Open Range Zoo in Werribee and 10 pin bowling. 
