1997/98 - President Mary Elliott - District Governor John Oxley

Rotary Theme - "Show Rotary Cares"

Our continued support of the Youth Exchange Program saw us sponsor Sally Thompson and we sent Shannon and Estelle Thomson to the RYPEN seminar.  We were extremely busy with support of the High Tide festival, Dune Dash, Foreshore development, Bell's Beach Easter car parking, and summer meetings at "Russeldown".  We sent a club team to Tonga under the FAIM program.  A very successful dinner auction with the Lions Club provided funds for both the SES and the Community Health Centre.  A number of combined meetings were held with other clubs provided funds for the ARHRF, the Alfred Heart Lung Clinic and furniture for Restoration House.   New initiatives of brain storming, wine bottling, Rotary on water, crayfish spinning wheel and our Rip Curl Pro raffle have been successful.  "The First Ten Years" was documented and celebrated on 20th April 1998 at the Southern Rose with representatives from 12 Rotary Clubs, Lions, Probus and the Surf Coast Shire in attendance.  22 PHF's, 5 PDG's and 6 current Presidents helped us toast the Club into the next decade.  Other rewarding projects included wine bottling, Red Shield Appeal, Sports Night with the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove, T for Transplant with the Rotary Club of Drysdale, Bowelscan and home hosting the Group Study Exchange Team from North Dakota with the Rotary Club of Grovedale.
