1994/95 - President Howard Randall - District Governor Geoff Tually

Rotary Theme - "Be a Friend"

Outward exchange student Danielle Croxford left for Japan.  Jocelyn McNight was selected for RYPEN with Joanne Dawson and Melissa Lawless sponsored for RYLA.  Our International Night was bigger and better than ever and we had a great evening of fellowship with the young people of Restoration House when we went on a night of ten pin bowling.  Possibly the most successful project ever undertaken was the "Dubbo West Drought Relief Project", when thirty members of the drought stricken community in central NSW were hosted for a week in Torquay.   

Great fellowship with a wine tasting night with the Rotary Club of Ballan, BBQ with the Rotary Club of Corio, sportsnight with the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove and the celebration of 90 years of Rotary with RDU Editor, Bob Aitken as guest speaker.  PP Chris Sims and Beryl Binder were presented with a  PHF.  Our Club received  the award for the highest per capita contribution to The Rotary Foundation in District 9780.  We formed our fourth Probus Club, the Probus Club of Surfcoast Anglesea.  Our major fund raising was again a Dinner Auction.   We mourned the passing of a former member Neville Place.
