1992/93 - President Charlie Mathews - District Governor Jeff Binder

Rotary Theme - "Real Happiness is Helping Others"

Susan Johnston was selected as our outward exchange student and departed for USA.  Hanaka Keino returned to Japan after an outstanding exchange - she has returned to Torquay on more than one occasion since her exchange.  Beau Emmett was selected as our next outward exchange student and we anticipate to host a student from Finland.  The Club with the assistance of the Rotary Club of Grovedale, hosted this year's District Conference at DeakinUniversity which was highly successful.  The Art/Craft Expo was again a very successful project bringing Rotary to the notice of many hundreds of local people as well as to visitors to the town.  "Pride of Workmanship" awards were again conducted with Sue Gregory of "Tuckerbag" receiving a plaque in recognition of her professionalism.  The Ladies Probus Club of Spring Creek was launched this year.  The surf lifesaving tower at Jan Juc was completed.
