1989/90 - President Jeff Binder - District Governor Barry Lange

Rotary Theme - "Enjoy Rotary"

Steady membership growth resulted in a membership of thirty by year's end.  Daniel Maughan left for South Africa in January.  The Club decided to host Shannon Olsen, a student from Taboma in California.  Our ladies catered for several "Casserole Nights", resulting in a very healthy balance in our "Exchange Student" account.  We sponsored the mixed Probus Club of Anglesea.  We hosted the Group Study Exchange Team from Sweden.  A student was sponsored to the RYPEN Seminar in Hamilton and another student was sponsored for the RYLA Seminar at GlenormistonCollege.  Our major fund raising efforts centred around another successful Dinner Auction.  We held a genuine "Garage Sale" at Torquay Smash Repairs with excellent results and some great fellowship.  Marijka Fitzpatrick, our second exchange outward student, has been offered a place in Indonesia and will leave early next year.
