Let's Start Thinking About Next Year
As our current Rotary year draws to a close now is an appropriate time for us to begin planning for the "New" Rotary year.
2017-18 will be an exciting year for our Club particularly as we work alongside our recently inducted new members. President Gaynor will give a presentation on this to the Club early in the "New" Year however in the mean time as per President Elect Gaynor's recent email to you she would like all members to give thought as to what Areas of Service and Projects you would like to be involved with.
- International Projects with Lesley
- Community/Australian Service Projects with Michael
- Vocational Service Projects with Richard
- Youth Service Projects with Gerard
- Membership Committee with Amanda
- Public Relations with Greg
Please can you let Gaynor know (by email) which committee you would prefer to help with. We need a fair distribution and if I don't hear back from you, I will allocate your service role according to needs.
Also if you would like to be involved as a Committee member for any of our Major Events please also indicate this in your preferences to Gaynor.
Cub Projects
- Motor Show
- Book Fair
- BBQ's
- Ride the Bellarine
- Golf Day
- Major Events (ie Dine with Cadel)
......or if you have any ideas for possible future projects/events please raise these with any Board Members for consideration.
Most importantly our Club urgently needs to nominate a President Elect for the 2018-19 year to enable that person to participate in the full President Elect Training Program during the coming year.
Also before the "New" year gets underway there are two tasks for which assistance could be used, they are -
- GOLF DAY Since the evolution of the Torquay Golf Club into the RACV Resort, our Club has struggled to return the Graham Price Golf to the popular and significant event it was in its heyday. This year an opportunity exists for this event to be included in the Calendar for the inaugural "Torquay Life Festival" which is being held during the month of October. Darrel Brewin is the Lead of the Golf Committee and would be eager to hear from anyone interested in joining this committee. Please contact Darrel on 0417185071
- Public Relations If you are media savvy have an interest in photography and/or are comfortable working with Facebook, writing short articles and posting website stories then Greg Plumridge would be interested in having you join the Public Relations Team. There are unlimited opportunities for us to promote our Club to the outside world and we are restricted only by the people power and time available to present and post the articles. Please contact Greg to discuss on 0418521321
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