Upcoming Events
No Club Meeting in Lieu of Hybrid Board Meeting
Online via MS Teams
Sep 18, 2023
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Landcare Plantings -ReWilding Freshwater Creek
145–199 Brushfields Rd
Sep 22, 2023
9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Wear your Footy Colours Night
Torquay Hotel
Sep 25, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Rotary Torquay Business Excellence Awards Night 23
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Oct 02, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
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Bulletin Editor
Lesley Shedden
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President's Message

Philip Beasley
member photo

Presidents Report 16th September 2023

Hello Members and Friends,

I want to start off with a reminder that there will not be a RC Torquay Club meeting this coming Monday night 18th September. The Board will be having a hybrid meeting commencing at 6.30pm at Torquay Community House.

Teacher in a Box

Last Monday night, Jeanette Johnson from Teacher in a Box joined us online to speak to us about this great project which provides computer-based learning materials to poor and remote overseas communities.  The initiative is a project of the RC Paddington in Queensland.
Check out this You Tube link to learn more about Teacher in a Box.

Say No to Domestic and Family Violence

A big thankyou to Linda Neale for providing us with an update on developments with this community initiative. Linda has attended online meetings with club representatives from clubs in Groups E & F (Geelong and surrounding area) which is working on partnerships and activities to educate and support our communities.
Linda met with Robyn O’Loughlin and John Oswald over coffee this week to discuss local activities we hope that members support and promote.
So, what’s it all about and what’s happening in our District?
Please take the time to check out this presentation from PP Carolyn Millard from RC Portland who has kindly recorded a presentation to do exactly that – inform you.
Our Board will discuss and determine what resources we will provide to get things kicked off in Torquay and the Surf Coast.

Show Your True Colours

We will be meeting socially for a meal at the Torquay Hotel on Monday 25th September with the expected dress standard is Football attire.
So come along and reminisce, ruminate about the one that got away or proudly boast of your team being in the Grand Final 2023. I am sure there will be a TV around to check out the Brownlow count as well!
Create Hope in the World
Philip Beasley
President 2023-24

Polio Eradication - Where does the money go? 

A laboratory worker in Pakistan testing for the presence of polio virus in the sewage in high-risk locations.

Is it worth our while to raise millions of dollars for polio eradication?

Article by PDG Murray Verso, End Polio Now Coordinator
Each year, Rotary members organize events, hold special club meetings, seek media publicity, and encourage donations from Rotarians and non-Rotarians alike to reach our annual End Polio fundraising goal of US 50 million dollars. Raising $50 million enables us to maximize the 2:1 match from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Is it worth our while going to all this trouble to raise $150 million? How does Rotary spend this money?
The End Polio funds raised by Rotarians are used to support the activities of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) and are targeted at the geographical areas of greatest need. Expenditure is not only used to provide polio vaccines but also to fund polio vaccinators and vital disease surveillance activities.
Each year, Rotary’s International Polio Committee, chaired by Past RI Director and Past Foundation Trustee, Michael McGovern, determines how the $150 million will be spent. Most of our funds are channelled through the World Health Organization and UNICEF, the implementing partners of the GPEI.
As can be seen from the accompanying pie chart, in 2022-23, Rotary funds supported polio eradication efforts in the two endemic countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Funds also supported polio outbreak response activities and vaccines in many countries in Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean Region including Chad, Ethiopia, Zambia and Somalia, to name a few. The “other” category represents Rotary support for surveillance, research, and technical experts at the World Health Organization.

Say No to Domestic and Family Violence

Four Rotarians met on Thursday and have started working on an Action Plan on how we can raise Public Awareness about Domestic and Family Violence.
We are planning regular walks around Torquay wearing the purple T-Shirt, however there is some ground work to do first.
This is an Awareness Program not a fund-raising program and hopefully we can get 12 or more Rotarians on board and do our bit to eliminate this violence from our area.
Linda Neal
Say No to Domestic & Family Violence Club Champion

G'day My Fellow Torquay Rotarians


I am writing to you via Chrissy to say hello and to let you know it would be great to see you at any time. 

Chrissy and I were delighted to be made Honorary Members of Torquay Rotary Club in April 2021. I am a Past District Governor (2009-2010), Past President (1993-94), Director of Rotary Foundation, Youth Services and general Torquay Rotary Club stalwart for as long as I can remember.
It's been more than two years since I left home in Jan Juc and moved into Star of the Sea in Torquay - just a hop, skip and a jump away.  I had some lovely visits from several Torquay Rotarians in the early days and it would be great to see you again. Not for long mind you - maybe for 30 minutes or so. That's all. I want you to know that I'm here and I would really love to see you while my memory is still pretty good. We don't even have to talk much - although a chat would be nice.
If you don't know where or when is best to visit, have a chat to Chrissy. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Christopher Sims

World Polio Month 'Fly From Everest' Special Movie Event

You know we have more fun when we're in a group so why not get your members, family and friends together for a great night out and raise funds to end polio. Each club can run their own fundraising effort with this movie event, so I encourage you to get behind this fabulous opportunity to make it a success in the lead up to World Polio Day in October. 
Come to Geelong as a convoy or arrange with another club to travel together in a community bus. Think outside the square as an opportunity to have a social night together.  If you want to book a restaurant or pub let me know if I can assist.
Reading Cinemas in Geelong are first class with wonderful facilities, so we are really looking forward to this year's event which showcases the lengths that one man, a Rotarian, Ken Hutt from NSW is prepared to go to help keep Rotary's promise of a polio-free world.
Please join us! - Tickets $30, BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL - 
Seize the moment and get your ticket order in as soon as possible.  See you there...
Best wishes
Gary NewtonDistrict 9780 PolioPlus Chair 2023-24Imm. Past President Rotary Geelong East

An update from our Gaelic Travellers

Spent 3 days in Dublin.
Monday, we went to Dublin Castle .... yeah, another castle! Each castle is incredible, with heaps of history...and dating back to the 900's or earlier!
And saw the Chester Beatty display.
Olly (my son) and Tayla (his partner) arrived in the afternoon.
Great to see them! They were a little worse for wear and tired after their flight from Melbourne via Dubai.
We checked into our Airbnb, then wandered into town and found a Pub with Irish music ..... hummed and jigged along to that before having tea, and back for a catch-up rest for Olly and Tayla.
Tuesday morning, we found a great place for a good Irish brekky...thoroughly enjoyed by us all .... including an Irish coffee!!
We walked to Trinity College, to the old library, long room and 'Book of Kell' (save explaining this ... check it out on Google! .... you may already be aware of this?)
Bit more fun and Irish to the Guinness Brewery and 'factory'. WOW what a place! Great tour, and finish with pouring our own pint ... and be given one too!
Not quite done yet .... off to the Jamison history centre (the old distillery) for a tour and tastings! Another very worthwhile experience.
So .... if you haven't already was a 'no car keys day'!!!
For tea we went out to the Merry Ploughman's 'Dinner and Show' (which included transport to and back!)
Fantastic night with Irish music, singing and Irish dancing, and a great meal. Highly recommended if you find yourself in Dublin.
Today we went to St Patrick's Cathedral. A lot more history and many 100s of years (like back to the 900's) to take in.
Came back and went for a drive through the Wicklow mountains across to the coast at Wicklow and looked at the 'Black Castle' ruins there.
Action packed time in Dublin...
Left Dublin, drove through Kilkenny, past the castle!!, onto The Rock of Cashel, another amazing castle and Cathedral!! From there we drove to The Cliffs of Moher, what a piece of coastline! Drove to Galway where we will be until Sunday.
Check out Michael’ Facebook Posts for some great travel photos!

Future meetings 

September: Basic Education and Literacy
Mon 18 Sep
Online Board meeting only
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 25 Sep
Footy Colours Social Night
N/A - informal
Torquay Hotel
October: Economic and Community Development
Mon 2 Oct
Business Excellence Awards
Trevor Hall
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 9 Oct
Prue Challis: Community development via Torquay Community House
Rhonda Anchen
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 16 Oct
Online Club meeting (and Board meeting)
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 23 Oct
Club Assembly
President Phil
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 30 Oct
Tour of Karaaf Wetlands & BBQ
Gerard Hogan
Point Impossible
November: Rotary Foundation
Mon 6 Nov
Melbourne Cup Eve Extravaganza
Neil Henderson
Mon 13 Nov
Rotary Foundation in Action
Lesley Shedden
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 20 Nov
Online Club meeting (and Board meeting)
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 27 Nov
Annual General Meeting
Allan Hillgrove
Kithbrooke Park & Online

Rotary International & District 9780 Info

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