Upcoming Events
Rotary Torquay Business Excellence Awards Night
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Oct 16, 2023
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Club Assembly
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Oct 23, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Tour of Karaaf Wetlands & BBQ
Point Impossible
Oct 30, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
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Bulletin Editor
Lesley Shedden
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President's Message

Philip Beasley
member photo
President’s Report 13th October 2023
Hello Members and Friends
This week's President’s Report comes to you from Bermagui NSW, where Judy and I are spending some time away. Fortunately, good rainfall last night has at least temporarily dampened the recent bushfires here and eliminated the smoke which was a constant reminder of recent events.
By all reports, last week’s meeting was well attended, and members enjoyed the presentation and interaction with Prue Challis from Torquay Community House. I trust that members and guests have a better understanding and appreciation of the important services that TCH provides to our community her in Torquay.
This coming Monday night is our chance to recognize local business through our Business Excellence Awards. We will be hosting this year’s recipients providing a great opportunity to interact with local business owners and most importantly to engage with them to share our story.

Regionalisation Questionnaire

Monday week, 23rd October is our online Club Assembly where we will seek your response to the Questionnaire, focusing primarily on the type of Rotary club we wish to be in the future.
DGN Lesley has agreed to facilitate the meeting an seek your view in response to the questionnaire.
Could each and every member please take the time to review the questions prior to the online meeting on the 23rd October. This will make the process easier to move through on the night.
Create Hope in the World
Philip Beasley
President 2023-24

Melbourne Cup Eve Function

Our gala Melbourne Cup Eve function is only 3 weeks away - Monday 6th November to be precise.
This year we will be going to the Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Surfcoast Hwy, Grovedale. There will be sweeps, fun and games, and a couple of surprises. Dress up in your raceday finest for Fashions on the Field.

Pop Up Book Sale - 11 November - Volunteers needed

We are planning another Pop-Up Book Sale on 11th Nov at ARP.
We need to determine whether there are enough people to be able to run this event
We need 6-8 people on the Friday to set up the inside and to sort through the boxes that have not been sorted
We need 6-8 at 7am Saturday to set up the outside area and be organised for the first customers (who arrive about 8). We also need help Saturday Afternoon to help pack up 
So far we have: - 

Community Service

Volunteers Required for the following BBQs: (4 or 5 for each shift is preferred)

Please let Richard Hawker know which of these events you are available to help out with and if you have a time preference - phone 0407 610 414 or email

End Polio Plus Society 

Thursday night saw at least 18 Torquay Rotary Club Members and Partners at Reading Cinema, to watch "Fly from Everest"This was a fantastic movie/documentary ....

D9780 DIK has a new name - RARE Southern

District 9780 Donations in Kind has changed its name. We are now operating as RARE (Rotary Australia Repurposing Equipment). This brings us in line with other RAWCS (Rotary Australia World Community Services) facilities operating around the country.
However, our operation at the depot in Geelong serving D9780 will still function the same with Ewen Urquhart (RC Geelong) as site coordinator and Tony Austin (RC Warrnambool) as the District Coordinator.

Future meetings 

October: Economic and Community Development
Mon 16 Oct
Business Excellence Awards
Trevor Hall
Hybrid - Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 23 Oct
Club Assembly (with prior Board Meeting)
Lesley Shedden
Hybrid - Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 30 Oct
Tour of Karaaf Wetlands & BBQ
Gerard Hogan
Point Impossible
Select Read More link to see the schedule for November
Rotary International Key Links

Rotary District 9780 Website

Rotary International Website

Donate to Rotary International 

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