President’s Report 13th October 2023
Hello Members and Friends
This week's President’s Report comes to you from Bermagui NSW, where Judy and I are spending some time away. Fortunately, good rainfall last night has at least temporarily dampened the recent bushfires here and eliminated the smoke which was a constant reminder of recent events.
By all reports, last week’s meeting was well attended, and members enjoyed the presentation and interaction with Prue Challis from Torquay Community House. I trust that members and guests have a better understanding and appreciation of the important services that TCH provides to our community her in Torquay.
This coming Monday night is our chance to recognize local business through our Business Excellence Awards. We will be hosting this year’s recipients providing a great opportunity to interact with local business owners and most importantly to engage with them to share our story.
Regionalisation Questionnaire
Monday week, 23rd October is our online Club Assembly where we will seek your response to the Questionnaire, focusing primarily on the type of Rotary club we wish to be in the future.
DGN Lesley has agreed to facilitate the meeting an seek your view in response to the questionnaire.
Could each and every member please take the time to review the questions prior to the online meeting on the 23rd October. This will make the process easier to move through on the night.