Upcoming Events
Landcare Plantings
southern end of Waltons Road
Aug 25, 2023
9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Indian Feast @ Lentils
Lentils Indian Cuisine
Aug 28, 2023
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Meet Karen & her Story Dog
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Sep 04, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Jeanette Johnstone: Teacher in a Box
Online via MS Teams
Sep 11, 2023
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
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Bulletin Editor
Lesley Shedden
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President's Message

Philip Beasley
member photo

Presidents Report 24/8/2023
Hello Members and Friends
I would like to kick off this update with exiting news and congratulations.
RC Torquay has been awarded the RI Presidential Citation by RI President Jennifer Jones, in recognition of the work and support of our community during 2022-23. We are one of only 6 Clubs in our District to be recognized this year.
Congratulations and hearty back slapping to President Ben Featherston for his leadership throughout last year in the achievement of the Goals set by Club and reporting those achievements to Rotary International. Thankyou Ben!!! Congratulations also to our Club Directors and all members for leadership and supporting the Club’s activities.

Member Welfare

Several of our members are recovering or receiving treatment for illness at present which is precluding them from involvement in our activities.
We wish Vernon DeSouza, Peter Bollen and David Mitchell a speedy recovery, and look forward to them joining us again as soon as able. Please consider contacting Vernon, Peter and David for a chat and wish them well. Contact details are available on Club Runner.
We will provide updates at meetings and via email, so keep an eye out.
Thank you to Maggie Isom, Amanda Hough, Tom Fratantaro and Mike Reed for staying in touch and updating us on member welfare.

Say No to Family Violence

There is a growing interest in learning more about how our club might get involved in supporting those in our community who constantly live with actual and threats of family violence.
There is a strong desire to learn more about FV and which other organisations are working in our local community, across the Surf Coast and the Greater Geelong Region.
Our approach will be to partner with and support those ‘coal face’ organisations to work collectively with them.
Thank you to Linda Neale, who sat in on a District 9780 online seminar last Saturday. Unfortunately, the session was cut short due to technical issues. The session given by PP Carolyn Millard from RC Portland will be re-recorded and available for viewing shortly.
I have offered to lead this initiative within our club and need the commitment of others to assist, attend online meetings and information sessions as well as organising guest speakers.

Registering for Club Dinner Meetings at Kithbrooke Park

A reminder to ALL members that if you wish to have a meal with dinner then you must register on Club Runner using the link emailed to you in the week leading up to our meeting. Registrations close at midday on Friday to provide accurate catering numbers to our caterer.
This includes the registration of any guests that you choose to invite to join us.
The bottom line is that if you are not registered, no meal will be prepared and provided for you. Of course, you are welcome to still join us for the evening and enjoy the friendship.
Remember it is your responsibility to register, monitor the return email to ensure your registration of self and guests was successful!
Create Hope in the World
Philip Beasley
President 2023-24

Community Service

Bunnings Father’s Day Community Night – Thursday 31st August 6 – 8 pm

Bunnings Torquay invite you to celebrate Father’s Day with our community. They would also appreciate help spreading the word for this event to your family, friends and community. We will have a table set up with the intention of getting the Rotary Programs of Polio Plus, Rotarians Against Malaria and Preventing Domestic Violence out into the public arena. The display will be dependant on what materials are available at the time. Linda Neale and myself will be in attendance but all members are welcome to drop by to help us spread these messages within the community. A flyer for this event can be found elsewhere in the bulletin.

Out of the Shadows Walk – World Suicide Prevention Day Sunday September 10

We have received an invitation/request to “Join Lifeline as we walk to remember and save lives”. Please refer to the article in this bulletin for all information and the links to register for this FREE event. I will arrange for members interested in participating to meet and walk as a group. Erika and myself will definitely be walking. Once you have registered, send me a message (0414 840 910) or email ( and I’ll keep track of those involved.

Volunteers needed

  • We have another Bunnings BBQ locked in for Saturday 30th September. Yes that is Grand Final day, unfortunately us Bomber and Cats fans no longer need to worry about that.
  • The first of the Cowrie Markets is on Sunday 17th September and the more volunteers we have the easier the day is on each of us.
Please let Richard Hawker know if you are available to help out with either of these and if you would prefer an AM or PM shift - phone 0407 610 414 or email
Any time you have available will be great help so don’t hesitate to offer even if it is only for an hour two.
Bruce Turner
Director Community Service

PolioPlus Society

The PolioPlus Society is a District initiative to increase the funds so we can finally eradicate Polio forever. This involves District Rotarians donating AUD$100.00 per year for four years. A great initiative.
We would love to get as involved as is possible at this time. If we could aim to get 70-80% involvement of members, that would be truly amazing. If we exceeded that then that would be fantastic. 
Here is the link to the form on the District Website that needs to be completed once your donation is made on the Donate page of the Rotary International website using this link. When you select this link you will see the options shown below.  Select PolioPlus Fund and go from there.

Landcare Planting

Torquay Rotary Club had the privilege of supporting Torquay and District Land care and the Bellbrae Primary School. Following their amazing efforts in planting approximately 400 trees, we provided lunch for 30 hungry students and a dozen or so adult helpers.
What an amazingly successful collaboration between community organisations and thanks go to Rhonda Anchen for arranging our participation. Thank you also to all members involved.

Rotarians Against Malaria (RAMs)

At the Board Meeting on Monday night, the Board agreed with my proposal for me to become the Rotary Against Malaria (RAMs) Club Champion. We are slowly gaining more information and resources. 
We will have on sale colouring books and will display a RAMs Flag at the Pop-Up Book Sale on Saturday. We will be selling the colouring Books and promoting RAMs at the Bunnings Father's Day Evening as a Charity we are supporting. Funds from these sales will go towards providing nets, immunisations and potentially spraying of mosquitos to eradicate them.
Linda Neale
Foundation Chair and Club RAMs Champion

Out of the Shadows Walk

Dear Lifeline Friend,
As a valued supporter of Lifeline Geelong, I'm personally inviting you to take part in Out of
the Shadows Walk 2023 in Torquay at Whites Beach.
Join us on Sunday, 10th September, for our World Suicide Day Prevention Day walk.
Together we will walk to remember the 9 Australian lives lost to suicide every day. You can
participate to remember a loved one, as a personal tribute for a friend or family member, or
to show your support for Australians experiencing emotional distress or mental illness.

Torquay Community Out of the Shadows Walk

When // Sunday 10th September, 2023
Where // Whites Beach, Torquay
Time // 7.00am for 7.30am Start
Information // The walk is from Whites Beach to Torquay Surf Beach (and return). The
event route is wheelchair and pram friendly.
Registration online is free.

Blister Pack Recycling Project

Barb Sheehan is a member of the Rotary Club of Highton, District 9780 and is District 9780 Environmental chair.
Working with the Rotary Club of Geelong East, Barb was successful in receiving a grant from Geelong Council to run a trial of collection and recycling of medication blister packs. She has connected with PharmaCycle and placed collection boxes in 6 pharmacies around Geelong.
As a Pharmacist, she knows the quantity of blister packs supplied every day.
More than a billion medicinal blister packs are produced in Australia each year.
The packaging is unable to be recycled by kerbside collections, so it has historically ended up in landfill.
The program has been driven by the Rotary clubs of East Geelong and Highton, with the aim of seeing 500 kilograms worth of the blister packs diverted from waste and fully recycled.
Council was pleased to support the project via a $10,000 Environmental Sustainability grant.
It is such a simple process.  Collect your blister packs and then take them to a participating pharmacy and drop them into the recycling box. 
Pharmacycle will come and collect the recycling boxes when they are full and then manage the recycling of the contents. 
Thank you to the pharmacies listed below for agreeing to be part of this wonderful recycling project:
  •      Peak Pharmacy Corio Village, Corio Village Shopping Centre
  •      Mitchell and O’Hara Amcal Pharmacy, 154-156 Shannon Ave, Geelong West. 
  •      Geelong Soul Pattinson Pharmacy, 133 Yarra St Geelong 
  •      Priceline Pharmacy East Geelong, 1 Ormond Rd, East Geelong
  •      Bellarine Village Community Care Chemist, Shop 5,25-29 Bellarine Hwy, Bellarine Village Shopping Centre, Newcomb
  •      Portarlington Pharmacy, 90 Newcombe St, Portarlington 
  •      Ocean Grove Terrace Pharmacy, 76A The Terrace, Ocean Grove 
  •      Pardeys Eastbrooke Pharmacy, 75-77 Roslyn Rd, Belmont 
  •      Kardinia Pharmacy, 2-18 Colac Rd, Belmont 
  •      Direct Chemist Outlet Highton, Hills Plaza, 46 Province Boulevard, Highton

Future meetings 

August: Membership and Extension
Mon 28 Aug
Indian Feast @ Lentils
N/A - informal
1 Cliff St, Torquay
September: Basic Education and Literacy
Mon 4 Sep
Meet Karen & her Story Dog
Robyn O'Loughlin
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 11 Sep
Jeanette Johnstone: Teacher in a Box
John Oswald
MS Teams
Mon 18 Sep
Online Club meeting (& Board meeting)
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 25 Sep
Footy Colours Social Night
N/A - informal
Torquay Hotel
October: Economic and Community Development
Mon 2 Oct
Business Excellence Awards
Trevor Hall
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 9 Oct
Prue Challis: Community development via Torquay Community House
Rhonda Anchen
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 16 Oct
Online Club meeting (and Board meeting)
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 23 Oct
Club Assembly
President Phil
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 30 Oct
Tour of Karaaf Wetlands & BBQ
Gerard Hogan
Point Impossible

Rotary International & District 9780 Info

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