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Philip Beasley
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Presidents Report 27/07/2023

Hello Members and Friends
Another busy week in Rotary this past week. Here’s a brief update on what we have been up to:
Club Assembly
Last Monday night we met at Kithbrooke to continue planning the year ahead. The purpose of the meeting was to add some details and determine our priorities for the year ahead. Over the coming weeks you will meet in our individual committees to get started and determine a budget for our projects.
Motor Show February 2024
The first of our planning meetings for next year’s Motor Show was held last Wednesday evening at PE Bruce’s home. We worked through a comprehensive agenda and determined those areas we need to focus on. An event timeline will be developed to set out what needs to be done and by when. Stay tuned for updates!
Group E and F Presidents Meeting
The first meeting of the of what is now the Group E and F Presidents (formerly Groups 9 & 10) was held.
Our Assistant Governor Gil Morgan advised that she will meet with the Club Board prior to the DG’s Visit on Monday 14th August to complete the Club Health Check. No date has been set yet.
There was considerable passionate discussion regarding the need for Rotary to be involved in the areas of Family Violence and Community Mental Health.
I am looking for interested club members to represent our club at 2 local committees that have been established:
  • Say No to Family Violence – online meeting to be held on 19th August.
  • Mental Health – to develop or support a local project(s) to support the work of Australian Rotary Health.
Promoting Our Impact
RC Geelong East reported that they have revised and rethought the way their club will promote itself on social media and other reporting. Instead of photos and text of what they are doing their new focus is on the Impact their projects are achieving. This is a subtle but definite change in both the language they use but also the visual images used support the messaging. Food for thought! Check out their Facebook Page
The Provisional Rotary Club of Global Music
This new style club is an initiative of our very own member and District Governor Elect Lesley. If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining a group of like minded world citizens please let them know about this exiting initiative.
The first Information Session for The (Provisional) Rotary Club of Global Music is coming up in less than 7 days! So if you are passionate about music and would like to be part of a Rotary Club that has music as its core, Register now to join us at 6.30pm AEST on 2nd August via Zoom to learn more.


Volunteer Rosters for Upcoming Events

Please check the rosters listed below for your times. If I have missed your name or you have difficulty with the allocated time please let Bruce Turner know. If you have not helped out with either of these activities before feel free to contact me for information. The Resale Shed is located at the Anglesea Tip, instructions for the day are very straight forward and can be explained on arrival. I am waiting on an updated document showing guidelines and once received I will email this to the listed volunteers.
Bunnings BBQ – Sunday Aug 13th:
8:30 - 12:15
12:15 – 4:00
Geoff Dawson
Martin Duke
Ben Featherston
Allan Hillgrove
Margaret McPherson
Linda Neale
John Oswald
Michael Reed
Lesley Shedden
Bruce Turner
Resale Shed – Sunday Aug 20th:
9.45 - 12.00
12.00 – 2.00
Tom Fratantaro
Gerard Hogan
Gerard McNamara
Margaret McPherson
Linda Neale
Michael Reed
Chrissy Sims
Bruce Turner
Thank you to all volunteers
Bruce Turner

Orange Sky Donations

Thank you for all your generous donations.
Needed at present are sleeping bags, warm coats, warm pants and tops.
Please drop off at the The Birchalls’

Land Care Planting

On Tuesday 25/7  Torquay Rotary Club provided a delicious lunch for the 40 hungry students and helpers who had worked so hard planting 400 shrubs. Working In Collaboration with other groups is a delight.
Thank you to Bunnings for their very generous sponsorship and the wonderful partnership with Torquay and District Land care who are doing amazing work in the Environment space. 
Thank you to all members involved.
Up coming events:
Friday 25th August – 9.30am - 1pmapproximately Bellbrae Primary School, and community.
Location -  the southern end of Waltons Road off the Princes Highway at Lake Modewarre (near the Community building). See the above Moriac planting map for the location.
This site forms part of the Surf Coast Shire’s carbon offset project, and we have approximately 400 seedlings  (provided by the Surf Coast Shire) to be planted and guarded.
Lunch generously provided by Torquay Rotary.
All equipment supplied by TDLG but please bring your water bottle.
Thank you to Bunnings Torquay for supplying garden gloves for all of the students.
Friday 22nd September - 9.30am - 1.30pm approximately. Quiksilver/Boardriders, and community groups.
PLEASE NOTE there has been a change in date from the 29th to the 22nd September
Location ‘Bongongo’ on Merrijig Creek off Brushfields Road. Access via Loutitt Bay Road. Look for the signs.
This project will continue the work that commenced last year with ReWilding Freshwater Creek and forms part of grant application by the Surf Coast and Inland Plains Network (SCIPN)
Funds from the Victorian Government but received through the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority are being used to complete a substantial planting (2,000+ seedlings) along Merrijig Creek. The focus is on linking existing remnant vegetation so that a wildlife corridor is established, and the riparian strip landscaped so that the Pigmy Perch (small perch - like fish) has a chance to repopulate the creek.
Graeme Stockton through a Surf Coast Shire grant plans to install, prior to this planting, several nest boxes in the existing remnant vegetation.
Morning tea and lunch generously provided by Torquay Rotary and TDLG
All equipment supplied by TDLG but please bring your water bottle
Details on access and parking will be outlined closer to the date

Henderson Travels - Hello from Dampier

Howdy everyone
Our travels in WA have brought us to Dampier. We pulled into the Information Bay and there was a plaque with the history of Dampier.
Is the arrow not pointing to a former member of Torquay Rotary?
Picture quality may be too poor for publication but was best I could do.
The other one is us on top of Mt Nameless in the Hammersley Ranges.
Regards, Neil Henderson

Environment Update - Plastic Soup

Last Tuesday evening PP Maggie “zoomed in” on the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group online seminar titled ‘End Plastic Soup’.
I am certain that Maggie will engage with us about this important environmental issue.
Please check out this link for further information:

Feeling Hungry??

Checkout this YouTube clip, titled “Plastic Soup – the biggest soup in the world”
PP Maggie

Rotary International & District 9780 Info

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