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Online via MS Teams
Sep 11, 2023
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Online Club Meeting - September
Online via MS Teams
Sep 18, 2023
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Landcare Plantings -ReWilding Freshwater Creek
145–199 Brushfields Rd
Sep 22, 2023
9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Wear your Footy Colours Night
Torquay Hotel
Sep 25, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
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Bulletin Editor
Lesley Shedden
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President's Message

Philip Beasley
member photo

Presidents Report 9th September 2023
Hello Members and Friends
What a lovely evening we had at last Monday night’s meeting where our guest was Karen Knuckey and her very own Story Dog “Libby”. Please see a later article and a few photos of what you missed if you were unable to join us.
This coming Monday night we have another very interesting online guest in Jeanette Johnston who will speak to us about “Teacher in a Box” which is a great resource supporting the learning of children in overseas communities. John Oswald will chair the evening and give us some background regarding their use in PNG.

Making Hay While the Sun Shines

We are approaching the time of year when we maximise the opportunity to raise funds to support the local and overseas projects we have chosen to support.
PE Bruce and the Community Service team met this week to discuss, prioritise and plan for those future events. The popular Night Jar Markets at Spring Creek will be running again in January, providing us with a further opportunity to raise funds.
Could I ask that all members consider each event when names are called for and confirm your availability. Your support is important to the club and its members, allowing for rosters to be developed and the workload to be distributed fairly.

Our Gaelic Adventurer

Our very own Michael “Paddy“ Reed and Alison have arrived in Ireland and are enjoying the sights, sounds and cuisine (including the odd Guiness or two) during their long awaited holiday. Please see an update and photos from Michael later in the bulletin.
Create Hope in the World
Philip Beasley
President 2023-24

Community Service

Out of the Shadows Walk – World Suicide Prevention Day Sunday September 10

Such a great way to start a Sunday – we had 8 members and 2 dogs come along to join Lifeline in their walk to remember and save lives. Along with another 20 or so people we completed the 9 kilometre walk from Whites Beach to the Surf Club and return in good time, managing to fit in a short stop for a coffee along the way. The Lions Club also provided great support by having the BBQ trailer set up for participants to grab a light breakfast. It was a pleasure to be able to support this event and I’m sure we will be happy to provide ongoing support if the event is to continue over coming years. Well done to Lifeline for initiating this event.

Volunteer Rosters

Cowrie Market Sunday 17th September
1. Gerard McNamara AM
2. Chris Sims AM
3. Neil Henderson AM Collect BBQ from shed
4. ?????????????? volunteer needed
5. Phil Beasley PM Return BBQ to shed
6. Martin Duke PM
7. Catherine Duke PM
8. Lesley Shedden PM Daryl Lee to turn up if available
· Food collection volunteer to be decided for this event Shift Times: AM 9-30 till 12-00 PM 12-00 till 2-30
Bunnings Saturday 30th September
1. Linda Neale AM
2. John Oswald AM Food pick up Marg to order
3. Gerard Hogan AM
4. Gerard McNamara AM
5. Bruce Turner PM
6. Marg McPherson PM
7. Phil Beasley PM
8. Lesley Shedden PM Shift Times: AM 9-00 till 12-00 PM 12-00 till 3-00+
URGENT: We still need at least one more volunteer for the Cowrie Market but could use more to make life easy on everyone involved. Please let Richard Hawker know if you are available to help out with either of these and if you have a time preference - phone 0407 610 414 or email
Any time you have available will be a great help, so don’t hesitate to offer even if it is only for an hour two.

Advanced request

Please nominate for any of the following BBQ commitments we have coming (also by notifying Richard)
· Cowrie Market BBQs on: Sunday 15th October 2023, Sunday 17th December 2023, Sunday 21st January 2024, Sunday 18th February 2024, Sunday 17th March 2024, Sunday 21st April 2024.
Bruce Turner
Director Community Service

Story Dogs

We were treated to a very special presentation at our first meeting in spring.  Karen Knuckey and her story dog Libby opened the door to a world of reading for fun. Karen is a Paul Harris fellow for her work with Story Dogs and the Organ Donation program and was the Westfield Geelong’s Local Hero in 2022-2023. Karen is the coordinator for dog teams in the south Barwon and Surf Coast area and is instigating dog teams in the Wyndham region. Libby is a very charismatic Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and an experienced Story Dog.
Karen Knuckey with Story Dog Libby
Karen demonstrated the Story Dog process with volunteers Ben and Bruce. Although there was more patting than reading it clearly demonstrated how the presence of an uncritical friend, Libby, focused attention on reading for fun rather than reading as a task.
Ben and Bruce demonstrating the ‘double pat’
Karen’s anecdotes of her work in schools showed the impact Story Dogs have on children who need some extra assistance to become willing readers. Libby is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Kardinia. The cost of sponsorship is $500 pa per dog but any donations are gratefully received. For further information on local Story Dogs go to

World Polio Month 'Fly From Everest' Special Movie Event

You know we have more fun when we're in a group so why not get your members, family and friends together for a great night out and raise funds to end polio. Each club can run their own fundraising effort with this movie event, so I encourage you to get behind this fabulous opportunity to make it a success in the lead up to World Polio Day in October. 
Come to Geelong as a convoy or arrange with another club to travel together in a community bus. Think outside the square as an opportunity to have a social night together.  If you want to book a restaurant or pub let me know if I can assist.
Reading Cinemas in Geelong are first class with wonderful facilities, so we are really looking forward to this year's event which showcases the lengths that one man, a Rotarian, Ken Hutt from NSW is prepared to go to help keep Rotary's promise of a polio-free world.
Please join us! - Tickets $30, BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL - 
Seize the moment and get your ticket order in as soon as possible.  See you there...
Best wishes
Gary NewtonDistrict 9780 PolioPlus Chair 2023-24Imm. Past President Rotary Geelong East

Rotarians Against Malaria (RAMs)

At the Board Meeting on Monday night, the Board agreed with my proposal for me to become the Rotary Against Malaria (RAMs) Club Champion. We are slowly gaining more information and resources. 
We will have on sale colouring books and will display a RAMs Flag at the Pop-Up Book Sale on Saturday. We will be selling the colouring Books and promoting RAMs at the Bunnings Father's Day Evening as a Charity we are supporting. Funds from these sales will go towards providing nets, immunisations and potentially spraying of mosquitos to eradicate them.
Linda Neale
Foundation Chair and Club RAMs Champion

Mick 'Paddy' Reed Reports

We have arrived in Ireland! Had a really good flight with a layover in Dubai for 2 hours.
After a night in Dublin, we picked up the hire car .... and the adventure begins!!
Travelling around south, we went to Wedgwood, had a look at the Wedgwood Crystal manufacturing plant .... wow incredible how they make the items.
Also went through the medieval museum.... fantastic!
On through Cork and to Sneem.
Hot Seaweed bath at Sneem. An experience not to be missed if ever there! The healing qualities in this Seaweed is an added bonus.
Drive Through the Ring of Kerry and looks at the amazing rocks, Cliffs and coast line.... incredible!
Of course, you have to eat .... nothing better than a freshly caught seafood lunch!!
Currently in Dingle, and the adventure will continue.
Oh, and I'll stick to Guinness!!!
Michael and Alison

Future meetings 

September: Basic Education and Literacy
Mon 11 Sep
Jeanette Johnstone: Teacher in a Box
John Oswald
MS Teams
Mon 18 Sep
Online Club meeting (& Board meeting)
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 25 Sep
Footy Colours Social Night
N/A - informal
Torquay Hotel
October: Economic and Community Development
Mon 2 Oct
Business Excellence Awards
Trevor Hall
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 9 Oct
Prue Challis: Community development via Torquay Community House
Rhonda Anchen
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 16 Oct
Online Club meeting (and Board meeting)
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 23 Oct
Club Assembly
President Phil
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 30 Oct
Tour of Karaaf Wetlands & BBQ
Gerard Hogan
Point Impossible
November: Rotary Foundation
Mon 6 Nov
Melbourne Cup Eve Extravaganza
Neil Henderson
Mon 13 Nov
Rotary Foundation in Action
Lesley Shedden
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 20 Nov
Online Club meeting (and Board meeting)
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 27 Nov
Annual General Meeting
Allan Hillgrove
Kithbrooke Park & Online

Rotary International & District 9780 Info

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