Upcoming Events
Online Club Meeting - August
Online via MS Teams
Aug 21, 2023
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Landcare Plantings
southern end of Waltons Road
Aug 25, 2023
9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Indian Feast @ Lentils
Lentils Indian Cuisine
Aug 28, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Meet Karen & her Story Dogs
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Sep 04, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
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Bulletin Editor
Lesley Shedden
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President's Message
Philip Beasley
member photo

Presidents Report 19/08/2023

Hello Members and Friends
DG’s Visit and Dinner with Friends
Well, our meeting last Monday night celebrating the visit of DG Ian McKay, was an outstanding success in my view.
Those who were able to attend, mingled and dined with our invited guests, each being Community Leaders in groups and organisations who also serve our community needs.
Our Directors gave short presentations on our activities and plans for the year ahead, all of which were well received. Torquay Lions President Brian Keane wrote in in his message of thanks, that he was reminded of how much we have in common in our aims to improve the community we live in.
Surf Coast Mayor Liz Pattison that while she was aware of some of our activities such as the Motor Show and the Business Excellence Award, she had no idea of the scope and depth of activities and project that both our club and more broadly Rotary International were involved in.
The work of Torquay Rotary is one of the best kept secrets in town, each one of us must take the opportunity to change that by connecting and partnering and developing relationships with others in our community.
District Governor Ian McKay was equally impressed and thanked us all for the service and commitment to our local community as well as our support of the Rotary Foundation and Australian Rotary Health Research.
As a sign of a successful evening, it was pleasing to see a number of our members and guests mingling and chatting after the meeting closed before eventually making their way home.
Monday night, went a long way in establishing, renewing and refreshing our relationships with some of the other key organisations and groups at work in our community. We must build on what we have initiated.
Inspiring Leadership In Rotary
Last Thursday night, John Oswald, Judy and I travelled to Ballarat to a dinner organised by RC Wendouree Breakfast and RC Ballarat South. The theme for the dinner was “Inspiring Leadership in Rotary – celebration dinner”.
It was a great evening catching up with Rotarian friends from across the District and to listen to some thought-provoking speakers about Leadership in Rotary.
Rotarian Pat Janes, a member of RC Ballarat South, spoke of his personal leadership development through RYLA. Pat was a shy young apprentice who took up the opportunity to attend the RYLA camps several years ago.
The facilitators at RYLA saw the potential in Pat and invited his back a as a guest facilitator and in the years that followed, invited him to join the Facilitation Team as a full member.
In terms of his developing career, Pat went onto being apprentice of the year on two occasions, invited to be a working partner in the business and forward today, where he now owns and operates that same business.
And the extra bonus was, he met his now wife on that very first RYLA Camp – BONUS!
PP Rob Mc Dougall, a member of RC Wendouree Breakfast, spoke of his own leadership development thorough taking on the role of Club President then Assistant Governor in the Ballarat area.
Rob led a Group Study Team of 4 non-Rotarians to Portugal, discovering on the night of their arrival, that they were expected to make a presentation in Portuguese and not being at all familiar with the language!
Rob was our District Trainer for several years who together with the District Governor Elect, prepared President Elects and Club Officers at President Elect Training and District Assemblies.
Rob now leads teams of Rotarians from his own club and RC Kardinia to Ambon in Indonesia each year to build, repair and develop the education of the locals. Rob’s father was a prisoner of war on Ambon during WW2. This ongoing project is in memory of those POW’s and the support of the locals.
Past Rotary International President Ian Riseley spoke also of his own personal development through Rotary. He spoke of the various positions he has held from Club President, Group Study Team Leader, Rotary International Director and on to RI President in 2017-18.
Ian spoke of the opportunities that being RI President provides you with in travelling and visiting many countries and seeing firsthand the true internationality of Rotary.
Ian’s Leadership Gem:
  •  Accept leadership opportunities early and when given.
  •  Recover quickly from the disappointments along the way.
  •  Accept the encouragement of others.
  •  Personal development happens with every opportunity or role you accept.
  •  Be influential, set a path for others to follow.
  •  Be a change advocate.
  •  Gender must never be an issue developing, encouraging, and selecting future leaders.
Ian also stressed the need for Rotary to be involved in Projects of Scale (locally, nationally and international) to have the opportunity to promote what we do. Partner with other clubs and organisations on larger significant projects, improves the recognition of the work we do.
Past RI Director Jessie Harman, a member of the RC Wendouree Breakfast, Jessie spoke of her early association with Rotary as a RYLA participant in Tasmania.
Jessie, in addition to various roles at club level, served us as District Governor of our District before moving on to Chair as Rotary International’s Membership Chair and then to becoming a Director of RI.
Jessie began with a humble thank you for the opportunity and development that Rotary has provided to her both personally and her career in senior education roles. In particular she mentioned the opportunity to experience membership of the RI Board.
Jessie’s 1%’s
  •  Value the little things that move us forward. Others will come behind us to continue the journey.
  •  We are more similar than different. There are no strangers in Rotary, only people we haven’t met yet.
  •  Doors of opportunity – be prepared to step up and open that door. Good things happen when people say yes.
  •  Styrofoam Cup (as recognition) regarding the privilege of being in the position not recognition of the individual.
Jessie closed with a saying that learnt of in New Zealand. Delivered in traditional Moari language, the translation is:
What is the most important thing in the World?
It is the people.
It is the people.
It is the people.
Create Hope in The World
Philip Beasley

Pop Up Book Sale 26 August 2023

Our next Pop Up Book Sale is to be held at the back of Arthur Reed Photos, in the undercover area and inside (as we have previously) Address 148-154 Marshall Town Rd, Grovedale, 3216
To be held on Saturday 26th August 2023
Gates open 9.00am and run until 3.00pm

Books from $1.00 .....
Or ... $10 a box! ....

Out of the Shadows Walk

Dear Lifeline Friend,
As a valued supporter of Lifeline Geelong, I'm personally inviting you to take part in Out of
the Shadows Walk 2023 in Torquay at Whites Beach.
Join us on Sunday, 10th September, for our World Suicide Day Prevention Day walk.
Together we will walk to remember the 9 Australian lives lost to suicide every day. You can
participate to remember a loved one, as a personal tribute for a friend or family member, or
to show your support for Australians experiencing emotional distress or mental illness.

Torquay Community Out of the Shadows Walk

When // Sunday 10th September, 2023
Where // Whites Beach, Torquay
Time // 7.00am for 7.30am Start
Information // The walk is from Whites Beach to Torquay Surf Beach (and return). The
event route is wheelchair and pram friendly.
Registration online is free.

Community Service

Thank you to all those club members who helped out at the recent Bunnings BBQ and Anglesea Resale Shed. Both activities have helped boost our fundraising totals, were great opportunities for a social catch-up and got our “Rotary Brand” out in the community.
We have a number of other community events coming up so please read on and consider getting involved.

Out of the Shadows Walk – World Suicide Prevention Day Sunday September 10

We have received an invitation/request to “Join Lifeline as we walk to remember and save lives”. Please refer to the article in this bulletin for all information and the links to register for this FREE event. I will arrange for members interested in participating to meet and walk as a group. Erika and myself will definitely be walking. Once you have registered, send me a message (0414 840 910) or email ( and I’ll keep track of those involved.

Volunteers needed

  • We have another Bunnings BBQ locked in for Saturday September 30. Yes that is Grand Final day, but it doesn’t look like all you Cats fans will need to worry . Please let Richard Hawker know if you are available to help out with this one and if you would prefer an AM or PM shift - phone 0407 610 414 or email
  • The Cowrie Markets will be kicking off in September (3rd Sunday of the Month). We will be chasing you up to help out with as many of these as possible – most likely starting in our next Bulletin.
Bruce Turner
Director Community Service

DG Ian McKay Visit - images

Click this link to see more pics taken during the visit of District Governor Ian McKay to Torquay Rotary on Monday 16 August 2023

BNI Awards - Congratulations Kelly

On Thursday 17 August I attended the BNI Melbourne West Geelong Awards Night at Bellevue Receptions in Geelong with members of the Coastal Connections chapter. The Rotary Club of Torquay holds the Community Service/Not For Profit category.
I was honoured to receive two awards - one for 5+ years as a member and the other nominated by my colleagues for the 'Givers Gain' Award - recognising the member who gives the most to the chapter.
The night was attended by 170 BNI members from 17 chapters spreading from Torquay to Ballarat to Williamstown. The five Not for Profit organisations were given the opportunity to speak to the room to raise awareness of who they are and what they do.
I was pleased to have two opportunities to speak on the night and promoted our upcoming local fundraiser - the Pop Up Book Sale and secondly our major international program in PNG. One of the other NFP's was Raechel Gleeson from Lifeline (who attended the DG's dinner) so we were able to complement each other's cause - given we sell books gifted by Lifeline and donate back to their programs.
Overall a great night and another opportunity to promote the wonderful work of our Club and wider organisation.
Kelly Binyon
Director Public Image

Blister Pack Recycling Project

Barb Sheehan is a member of the Rotary Club of Highton, District 9780 and is District 9780 Environmental chair.
Working with the Rotary Club of Geelong East, Barb was successful in receiving a grant from Geelong Council to run a trial of collection and recycling of medication blister packs. She has connected with PharmaCycle and placed collection boxes in 6 pharmacies around Geelong.
As a Pharmacist, she knows the quantity of blister packs supplied every day.
More than a billion medicinal blister packs are produced in Australia each year.
The packaging is unable to be recycled by kerbside collections, so it has historically ended up in landfill.
The program has been driven by the Rotary clubs of East Geelong and Highton, with the aim of seeing 500 kilograms worth of the blister packs diverted from waste and fully recycled.
Council was pleased to support the project via a $10,000 Environmental Sustainability grant.
It is such a simple process.  Collect your blister packs and then take them to a participating pharmacy and drop them into the recycling box. 
Pharmacycle will come and collect the recycling boxes when they are full and then manage the recycling of the contents. 
Thank you to the pharmacies listed below for agreeing to be part of this wonderful recycling project:
  •      Peak Pharmacy Corio Village, Corio Village Shopping Centre
  •      Mitchell and O’Hara Amcal Pharmacy, 154-156 Shannon Ave, Geelong West. 
  •      Geelong Soul Pattinson Pharmacy, 133 Yarra St Geelong 
  •      Priceline Pharmacy East Geelong, 1 Ormond Rd, East Geelong
  •      Bellarine Village Community Care Chemist, Shop 5,25-29 Bellarine Hwy, Bellarine Village Shopping Centre, Newcomb
  •      Portarlington Pharmacy, 90 Newcombe St, Portarlington 
  •      Ocean Grove Terrace Pharmacy, 76A The Terrace, Ocean Grove 
  •      Pardeys Eastbrooke Pharmacy, 75-77 Roslyn Rd, Belmont 
  •      Kardinia Pharmacy, 2-18 Colac Rd, Belmont 
  •      Direct Chemist Outlet Highton, Hills Plaza, 46 Province Boulevard, Highton

Future meetings 

August: Membership and Extension
Mon 21 Aug
Online Club meeting (and Board meeting)
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 28 Aug
Indian Feast @ Lentils
1 Cliff St, Torquay
September: Basic Education and Literacy
Mon 4 Sep
Meet Karen & her Story Dogs
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 11 Sep
Online: Teacher in a Box (TBC)
John Oswald
MS Teams
Mon 18 Sep
Online Club meeting (and Board meeting)
President Phil
MS Teams
Mon 25 Sep
Footy Colours Social Night
October: Economic and Community Development
Mon 2 Oct
Business Excellence Awards
Trevor Hall
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 9 Oct
Prue Challis: Community development via Torquay Community House
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 16 Oct
Online Club meeting (and Board meeting)
President Phil
Mon 23 Oct

Rotary International & District 9780 Info

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