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Lesley Shedden
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President's Message

Philip Beasley
member photo
President’s Report 23rd December 2023

Compliments of the Season to Members and Friends,

Well, what a lovely and lively Christmas Celebration we had last Monday night at the Torquay Angling Club. Please see the photos further on in this Bulletin.
Special thankyou to Amanda for arranging and setting up this lovely celebration. Thankyou to Trevor Pickles and Rhonda Anchen for the instrumental support for our Carol Singing. Special thank you also to Maggie for her preparation for the evening.

Send off for DGE Lesley and Rob Shedden

Our Christmas celebrations also provided an opportunity to wish DGE Lesley and Rob Shedden a fitting send off, before they head off to Florida USA on January 6th.
Lesley (and Rob) will be undertaking their final Governor Elect Training along with 500+ DGE’s and Partners. Following this training they are heading down to Sarasota to enjoy further immersion in worldwide Rotary through a Home Stay Program hosted by the local District.
I presented Lesley with a framed letter, A Box of Chocolates, and a Gift Voucher on behalf of the Club.
We wish Lesley and Rob the very best during their time away.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 2024

On behalf of our Board Members, I would like to wish all our Members and Friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 2024.
Our first meeting in 2024 will be on Monday 8th December for our traditional Fish and Chips at Cosy Corner in Torquay. BYO food, drink, chair, and table. Keep an eye out on email from Gail with the details.
At this time of year let’s double our efforts for the remainder of this Rotary Year and Join with Others to:
Create Hope in the World
Philip Beasley
President 2023-24

Community Service

As the year comes to a close, I would like to thank all our volunteers for their support and contributions over the course of the year. A special thank you to the members of the Community Service Committee, especially Margaret McPherson and Richard Hawker for their work on the BBQs.
December’s Cowrie market was another successful event taking $1463 – well done to the crew!
Hopefully everyone is happy with their Christmas “goodies” order and, unlike ourselves, have been able to resist the temptation to hoe into those already. Thanks to Margaret and Phil for arranging the distribution of these and getting our donation of 50 items to Torquay Food Aid. I’m sure this will make a huge difference to many families over Christmas.
Merry Christmas to All.

BBQ Rosters:

Danger 1000 – Saturday 6th January
  • 8.00 am – 11.00am: Neil Henderson (deliver BBQ 7.30), Linda Neale, Mike Reed, one more volunteer required.
  • 11.00am – 2.00pm: Robyn O’Loughlin, Mal Slater (return trailer), Bruce Turner, one more volunteer required.
Cowrie Market – Sunday 21st January
  • AM – Gerard Hogan, Daryl Lee, Gerrard McNamara, Margaret McPherson require someone to deliver trailer.
  • PM – John Oswald (return trailer?), Garth Symington, two more volunteers required.
Cowrie Market – Sunday 18th February
  • AM – Lynda Neale, Bruce Turner (bring trailer), two more volunteers required.
  • PM – four more volunteers required.
Please let Richard Hawker know if you are available any. Phone or email
Bruce Turner
Director Community Service

Book Fair 

As Franco Cozzo used to say "Roll Up, Roll Up, Roll Up!"
The Book Fair is less than a month away, the work roster has been sent out, so don't forget to Roll Up on your allocated shifts.
Do they need changing? Then email me immediately so as I can vary the Roster until we get a final version suited to all.

'Tis the Season - pics from our Christmas function

Some pics from last Monday night, courtesy of Kelly Binyon.  You will find a few more photos on this link.
Thank you Rotary - from UNICEF
A letter written to Past RI President John Germ - includes this link to a thank you video
Hi John,
As we reflect on 2023 successes, you are at the top of our list of people to be grateful for. Thanks to you and Rotarians around the world for standing with UNICEF once again this year in our mission to relentlessly pursue a more equitable world for every child.
With your help, UNICEF was able to achieve the following:
  • Deliver more than 1 billion doses of oral polio vaccines.
  • Provide 356.3 million children under 5 – more than ever before – with programmes to prevent malnutrition in all its forms.
  • Vaccinate 77.9 million children against measles, over 27 million in countries affected by humanitarian crises
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