Upcoming Events
Let's roll out the red carpet for DG Ian McKay!
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Aug 14, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Landcare Plantings
southern end of Waltons Road
Aug 25, 2023
9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Indian Feast @ Lentils
Lentils Indian Cuisine
Aug 28, 2023
6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
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Lesley Shedden
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President's Message
Philip Beasley
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Presidents Report 12/08/2023

Hello Members
Thankyou to IPP Ben our Membership Chair supported by PP Michael and Club Service Chair Gail for an informative and entertaining evening about membership and belonging.
For those that missed out, the ‘speed dating session’, instigated by Gail was a great way to get to know a little more about the Member Behind the Badge. Read on a little further for Ben’s report.
The focus for this week has been preparing for the DG’s Visit coming up on Monday night. In addition to DG Ian McKay and AG Gillian Morgan, we have invited Surf Coast Shire Mayor Liz Pattison and several Community Leaders to attend.
Please take the opportunity to introduce yourself to our guests and make them feel welcome to Torquay Rotary
District Governor Ian McKay's Theme is Celebrate Rotary’s Difference.
• The difference we make in our community • The difference we make in our world • The difference we make to each other in our clubs.
RCOT does this not by being different, but what we can bring to our community as Rotary through our programs locally, nationally and internationally.
The RC Torquay's aim this year is to continue to develop strong, meaningful relationships with these organisations in order to work cooperatively to support and deliver on our community needs, in other words, make a collective difference!
A small number of short presentations outlining current and planned projects will be made during the evening, which will include a presentation by our District Governor, focussing on Saying No to Family Violence and Australian Rotary Health's Research into Youth Mental Health.
Say No To Family Violence Committee and Australian Rotary Health Committee (Mental Health)
Disappointingly, I have not received any sign of interest from members in representing our club at either of these two local committees.
Please consider this opportunity to be the conduit of information and action on our behalf.
See you all on Monday night.

Volunteer Roster for upcoming events: UPDATED

Please check the rosters listed below for your times. If I have missed your name or you have difficulty with the allocated time please let Bruce Turner know. If you have not helped out with at the resale shed before feel free to contact me for information.
The Resale Shed is located at the Anglesea Tip, instructions for the day are very straight forward and can be explained on arrival. I am waiting on an updated document showing guidelines and once received I will email this to the listed volunteers.
I will also send all volunteers an email to confirm your times.
Resale Shed – Sunday Aug 20th:
9.45 - 12.00
12.00 – 2.00
Tom Fratantaro
Gerard McNamara
Margaret McPherson
Linda Neale
Michael Reed
Chrissy Sims
Bruce Turner
Gerard Hogan  *****
Start 11.00
Off duty 1.00
Thank you to all volunteers
Bruce Turner

Pop Up Book Sale 26 August 2023

Our next Pop Up Book Sale is to be held at the back of Arthur Reed Photos, in the undercover area and inside (as we have previously) Address 148-154 Marshall Town Rd, Grovedale, 3216
To be held on Saturday 26th August 2023
Gates open 9.00am and run until 3.00pm

Books from $1.00 .....
Or ... $10 a box! ....

Blister Pack Recycling Project

Barb Sheehan is a member of the Rotary Club of Highton, District 9780 and is District 9780 Environmental chair.
Working with the Rotary Club of Geelong East, Barb was successful in receiving a grant from Geelong Council to run a trial of collection and recycling of medication blister packs. She has connected with PharmaCycle and placed collection boxes in 6 pharmacies around Geelong.
As a Pharmacist, she knows the quantity of blister packs supplied every day.
More than a billion medicinal blister packs are produced in Australia each year.
The packaging is unable to be recycled by kerbside collections, so it has historically ended up in landfill.
The program has been driven by the Rotary clubs of East Geelong and Highton, with the aim of seeing 500 kilograms worth of the blister packs diverted from waste and fully recycled.
Council was pleased to support the project via a $10,000 Environmental Sustainability grant.
It is such a simple process.  Collect your blister packs and then take them to a participating pharmacy and drop them into the recycling box. 
Pharmacycle will come and collect the recycling boxes when they are full and then manage the recycling of the contents. 
Thank you to the pharmacies listed below for agreeing to be part of this wonderful recycling project:
  •      Peak Pharmacy Corio Village, Corio Village Shopping Centre
  •      Mitchell and O’Hara Amcal Pharmacy, 154-156 Shannon Ave, Geelong West. 
  •      Geelong Soul Pattinson Pharmacy, 133 Yarra St Geelong 
  •      Priceline Pharmacy East Geelong, 1 Ormond Rd, East Geelong
  •      Bellarine Village Community Care Chemist, Shop 5,25-29 Bellarine Hwy, Bellarine Village Shopping Centre, Newcomb
  •      Portarlington Pharmacy, 90 Newcombe St, Portarlington 
  •      Ocean Grove Terrace Pharmacy, 76A The Terrace, Ocean Grove 
  •      Pardeys Eastbrooke Pharmacy, 75-77 Roslyn Rd, Belmont 
  •      Kardinia Pharmacy, 2-18 Colac Rd, Belmont 
  •      Direct Chemist Outlet Highton, Hills Plaza, 46 Province Boulevard, Highton

Members Housekeeping and "Behind the Badge Speed Dating"

Last Monday at Kithbrooke Park we enjoyed a night of fellowship with a fun "Speed Dating" night. Thank you to all who participated, and thank you to Gail for organizing us all (herding sheep!).
It was a fun way to get to know a little bit more about fellow members in the club: their interests, their skills and what makes them tick and are proud of.
The format saw members broken up into small groups of 3 people, conducting "mini Behind-the Badge" sessions of ~3 minutes, answering questions within groups and then rotating around on their "speed dates". 
I hope everyone had a bit of fun and learnt something about each other. A club is great when all members feel comfortable talking to each other in an enjoyable setting and being able to contribute.
Just a reminder to everyone to read and acknowledge the District "Code of Conduct" that was circulated by email, thank you to those who have already done this.
Also, have a look at the previous email sent regarding Club Clothing, Please let me know which items you would like ordered, and organize payment to me ASAP.
I will be sending a bulk order in a few weeks to the supplier.
Ben Featherston
Membership Director


Date night!

Celebrate Landcare Week

On Thursday 10th August, Rhonda Anchen & Maggie Isom joined with a full movie theatre of Landcare supporters to celebrate Land Care week and watch the wonderful “Rachel’s Farm- a story of inspiration, and hope for the future.
We stayed for the Q & A session that followed with young inspirational speakers from a regenerative Farm in Deans Marsh, Bellarine Secondary College & Farms in Schools program AND the wonderful Rachel Ward herself!
This film is a must for all people, and very appropriate for Rotarians in this year with our theme of “Creating Hope in the World”. 
Perhaps a movie night for the Torquay Rotary Club?

ESRAG invitation

Do you have a good understanding of Climate Change?
Its complicated right?
Join the ESRAG team on Thursday 17th August 8pm and listen to Dr Ian Watterson

Future meetings 

August: Membership and Extension
Mon 14 Aug
DG Ian McKay Club Visit
President Phil
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 21 Aug
Board meeting
President Phil
Mon 28 Aug
Indian Feast @ Lentils
1 Cliff St, Torquay
September: Basic Education and Literacy
Mon 4 Sep
Meet Karen & her Story Dogs
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 11 Sep
Mon 18 Sep
Board meeting
President Phil
Mon 25 Sep
Footy Colours Social Night
October: Economic and Community Development
Mon 2 Oct
Business Excellence Awards
Trevor Hall
Kithbrooke Park & Online
Mon 9 Oct
Mon 16 Oct
Board meeting
President Phil
Mon 23 Oct

Rotary International & District 9780 Info

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