Last Monday at Kithbrooke Park we enjoyed a night of fellowship with a fun "Speed Dating" night. Thank you to all who participated, and thank you to Gail for organizing us all (herding sheep!). It was a fun way to get to know a little bit more about fellow members in the club: their interests, their skills and what makes them tick and are proud of. The format saw members broken up into small groups of 3 people, conducting "mini Behind-the Badge" sessions of ~3 minutes, answering questions within groups and then rotating around on their "speed dates". I hope everyone had a bit of fun and learnt something about each other. A club is great when all members feel comfortable talking to each other in an enjoyable setting and being able to contribute. Just a reminder to everyone to read and acknowledge the District "Code of Conduct" that was circulated by email, thank you to those who have already done this. Also, have a look at the previous email sent regarding Club Clothing, Please let me know which items you would like ordered, and organize payment to me ASAP. I will be sending a bulk order in a few weeks to the supplier. Regards, Ben Featherston Membership Director |