Hello Members and Friends
Thankyou to Past President and current DGE Lesley for both Chairing and facilitating our discussions last Monday night on Regionalisation. Thankyou to Secretary Allan for recording your responses and submitting the questionnaire on our behalf.
I am advised that there was some good discussion in response to the questions, which hopefully provided you the opportunity to better understand both the terminology and what is trying to be achieved through the regionalization process, namely the future of Rotary.
As Lesley pointed out on Monday night, our responses along with all other clubs in our region will be compiled and considered by the Regionalisation Committee and reported back to our current District Leadership Team. There will be further opportunity for us to analyse and discuss the results at club level.
Karaaf Wetlands Visit
This coming Monday night is our visit to the Karaaf Wetlands, organized by our Environmental Chair Gerard Hogan. Gerard has forwarded the details regarding times and meeting point, emphasising the need to “Bring the Aeroguard”.
I am personally looking forward to learning more about the Wetland and in particular the impact that the development of north Torquay in particular is having.
Melbourne Cup Eve
Our very own “Captain Turf” Neil Henderson has put a lot of work into organising both the venue and the evening to be held at the Narana Cultural Centre in Grovedale on Cup Eve.
We have extended an invitation to RC Grovedale Waurn Ponds to join us for the evening.
Booking close this coming Monday. Please check the email sent to each of you with the registration details through Try Booking.
Supporting the Cadel Evans Ride
Members will have received information regarding this upcoming event from Gerard Hogan over the last week or so.
Please consider volunteering to act as a Marshall for this event. The club receives payment for the volunteer hours contributed which help to offset the costs of running our club, enabling us to further support our community.